Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Dear Friends,

I am saddened by the recent events in the news about the conflict between Georgia, the country native to many gypsies and lifelong drifters in Western Eurasia, and Russia, the land of my mother. As a Russian, I find it disappointing and conflicting to chose a side between the two, and think that somewhere along the way Russians forgot where their true roots lie. Soviets must not forget that it was the gypsies that taught us soviets our values and traditions, that are passed down from generation to generation. Who drinks vodka at night around fireplaces? Gypsies. Who dances with knives between their teeth at parties? Gypsies. Who plays balalaikas and wore gold teeth ages before Vice magazine decided to exploit my father's dental treatment? Gypsies. The truth of the matter is, Russia and all the former Soviet countries owe these gypsies their people's history, alongside royalties or at least acknowledgment for "Russian" folk music.

Stop the bombing and start the dancing! To show an excellent example, please look at my mother, here seen at my best friend's parent's Christmas party last year. No matter where you are, on the field or in a westernized townhouse in an Ontario suburb, forget your troubles and love life!

Dear Friends,

It warms my heart to know that I can finally be part of my friend's quasi-anonymous online blogging community. This is an ode to all my relatives past and present who would have loved to blog but under strict and watchful Soviet rule did not have the means to do so. Za zdarovye!